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hound on artinya

contoh kalimat "hound on"
  • We'll sic the hounds on you, Leezak!
    Kami akan kerahkan anjing-anjing pelacak untukmu, Leezak!
  • And when they set their hounds on me, I had to leave.
    Saat mereka melepas anjing mengejarku, aku harus pergi.
  • Sic the hounds on the rest.
    Sic anjing-anjing di sisanya.
  • "Cross Road Blues," "Me and the Devil Blues" "Hell Hound on My Trail"?
    "Cross Road Blues," "Me and the Devil Blues" "Hell Hound on My Trail"?
  • I want hounds on both banks of this river for two miles upstream and downstream.
    Aku ingin pelacak menyisir kedua sisi sungai ini sejauh 2 mil... arah hulu dan hilir.
  • His fingers and even his breath brought death scenting his way like a hound on the trail."
    Jari2nya dan bahkan nafasnya membawa kematian tercium dari jalannya seperti anjing di tralier."
  • After we attacked that structure in Boston the aliens want us like hounds on a fox.
    Setelah kita menyerang bangunan itu di Boston alien menginginkan kita seperti anjing pada rubah.